Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How Many Yums??

As we all know by now, I am a foodie. Oh, you didn't know?? Well, let me tell you.... I'm a foodie. When I eat something and it's delicious....YUM. When I eat something delicious that's actually good for me....Yum Yum. So when I eat something that's delicious, good for me, AND low calorie......YUM YUM YUM!! One of my favorite dishes is my "Chicken Fajita Salad". I have blogged about this recipe before (HERE) and it is seriously SO delicious. It's around 450 calories total, and because it's only veggies, you can add more and more and still not really gain any calories to the meal. I'm bringing this back up because I JUST ate it. Yum yum yum! Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE to make amazing paste dishes with cream based sauces. What I don't like is when it shows up on the scale or on my waistline. Someone needs to come up with a heavy cream that is calorie free. They should spend money on developing that rather than gathering stones from Mars. I'm just saying.LOL
I'm sorry, but this blog post really isn't about anything in particular. It is simply about my love of food and cream based pasta sauces.

Another Favorite healthy meal of mine, that I think people tend to forget, is tacos. Well, I can't speak for Taco Bell, but when I make tacos at home, it's pretty low calorie. Think about it....the hard taco shells are 65 calories each, and then you only add ground beef, lettuce, salsa, onions, cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. I personally like to add chopped cilantro, cucumber, and sweet corn as well. I know what you're thinking....cucumber?? corn?? Trust me!! Try it! I wish I had pictures but I don't. I was too busy eating to remember to take a picture. That's usually what ends up happening, so by the time a manage to take a picture for the blog, I have usually made the dish AT LEAST twice. I always forget because I am in too much of a rush to finish the dish, and then I'm too busy eating. I'm such a fat girl on the
I know that when I look at a recipe, I won't even give it a second thought if there isn't a picture, so I'll make sure to post on next time. :-) Have a good night everyone.


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