Friday, December 20, 2013

Short Dress = Tall Girl's Shirt

Sooo.....have you ever seen that oh-so-cute little short dress online that you wanted oh-so-badly?! Yeah, me too. Have you then received said dress, only to find out that it is nothing more than a tunic on your long body, while leaving absolutely nothing on your bottom half to the imagination? Yeah, me too.
Well, not too long ago I was introduced to the term "Midi", in regards to dresses. We have all heard of a mini dress (aka shirt for tall girls), but with the midi we can still get a fitted sexy dress hat's just a little bit longer. If the dress ends up being too long, you can always have it made a little shorter for next to nothing.

Warning: make sure not to pull the dress down when it is measured by the seamstress or it will be too short. I lost my favorite dress this way.

One of my favorite online stores of all time is . They have some of the cutest dresses for lo prices. The great thing about them is that they have free shipping to and from, so anything you are unhappy with you can send back at no cost to you. They have tons of midi dresses in a million different styles (ok maybe not a million, but you get the idea). Here's an example of a simple, cute, and inexpensive dress that can easily be dressed up with some accessories.

Another thing that ASOS does is provide information about the model so that you can compare how it would fit on you, as well as provide a runway video so that you can see how the garment moves.

Next up we have I have only shopped there once, but I did have a good experience. I recently found out that they also show their models sizes, which is incredibly helpful. I also realized that they use real women (by that I mean women of all sizes and not just uber thin 6ft models).

I hope this helps my fellow beautiful Amazonian creatures.


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