Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You might as well love it

Although I have ben tall my whole life, I didn't always like it. As you can see in the picture, I was much taller than all my classmates even in the 2nd grade. The kicker is that all my classmates were actually a year older than me because I started school early.
I don't remember exactly when I started to become more aware of my height and somewhat dislike it. I was never insecure and I never hated my height, but I did wish I was shorter. I wasn't only tall but I was skinny and I had big feet. By the time I was 13 I was 5'11" and weighed 138 lbs. Yeah, I was kind of In high school it really hit me since all the boys were shorter than me and even the ones that weren't still liked the tiny girls (5'2-5'6").  Once I graduated and went out into the real world, I finally realized the one thing that changed it all.......

"I'm not going to get any shorter, 
and the world is not going to get any taller, 
so you might as well like it"

Once I realized that, things were immediately different. Why dwell on something and wish for something that would never happen? So how did I respond to this? Shoulders back, chest out, head held high, and high heels. When you are over 6 ft tall you will never fit in, so you might as well stand out, and look gorgeous doing it. Make sure that you get clothes that fit your frame because if you don't it'll look even worse that on an average height person. If you are not confident in you, others won't be either. The energy that you put out is what other people absorb. So ladies, love your height, stand up tall, and embrace your height. I get stared at no matter where I go, so now I don't even see them anymore. Let them stare. What does it matter? Do those people really matter to you?  Why would you want to be average height anyway? When is AVERAGE ever something to strive for? You don't strive to be average in any other part of your life so why would you want to be average height? You're above average........when is that ever bad?




  1. Hey Dominique! I just want to thank you for this blog, and the boost of confidence it's given me. By the standards of the Asian country I was born and raised in, 5"10 inches for a girl is considered freakishly tall. I've always been referred to as the "tall girl" and all my life I've had to hear people tell me that I shouldn't wear heels and that my height is intimidating. I have only one fellow tall girl friend, who is exactly my height. Most of my other friends are petite. Reading your blog has been refreshing and empowering. Guess I'll be heading out in my heels sometime soon. Thanks. :)

    1. Hi Thash. I don;t know how this happened, but I just saw this comment today. I guess better late than I promise to start blogging more and I hope you will become a reader yet again. I'm glad that I inspired you, and I hope I will be able to inspire others in the future.
