Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To date a guy shorter than you or not to? That is the question.

(In case you are wondering about the picture, it is just a little Shakespearean inspiration)

One question I get quite a bit is whether or not I date men shorter than me. The short answer is yes, but just like everything else on me, the real answer is long. Although I will date a guy who is shorter than me, I will most likely not go below 5'11". I prefer a guy in the 6'5"-6'7" range but as I'm sure you know, those are quite hard to come by. The funny thing is that I always figured that the taller the better, and that a guy close to 7 ft would be the greatest thing ever, until.....

.....I dated this guy. He was 6'11" and at first I thought it was great, but then I slowly realized that I didn't like it. he was too tall for me. I had to stand on my tippy-toes just to kiss him and I had to look up way too much. I finally knew what it felt like to be 5'5", and I didn't like it one bit. I'm wearing 4" heels in this picture and he is still towering over me. Now this is more my style.......
.....this is my ex and he is 6'5 1/2". I'm not sure how it looks like I am so much shorter than him because I am actually about the same height as him with my shoes on. 
Well, enough of the tall guys. Lets move on to actually dating men shorter than myself. Now don't think I'll date just ANY ol short guy (short guy, to me, is defined as any guy under 6'1").  He has to be a big man in a small package. Meaning, he has to be extremely confident in not just himself but also with me in my heels. If he ever makes the joke (that SO many men make) "you couldn't wear hells if we were dating", he's a no go. Even though it may be a joke, there is some seriousness behind it that lets me know that he is in fact not ok with walking next to me when I am 6'6" in my heels. Don't ever let a man keep your form wearing heels (or anything else you want to for that matter). My height might be one of the reasons I like really strong and assertive men. Since I never get to feel "small" or like the man is in control, due to size, like most women do, I need to feel it somehow. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of anyone I dated that was shorter than me, assumingly because there haven't been very many.:-)



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