Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tallspiration April Dasal

A few days ago I saw a post about a young woman named April Dasal. I saw her before and after picture and I was oh so very impressed. I personally lack self control when it comes to eating, and I LOVE food. One of the first things I think about when i wake up in the morning is what I am going to make for dinner. I cook 6-7 days a week, and I thoroughly enjoy the process as well as the product. I have been wanting to get in shape and lose about 15lbs for as long as I can remember, but I can never quite seem to get the motivation to actually do it.
April however, had the motivation and discipline to not only lose 15lbs, but rather she lost 101lbs. She didn't get a weight loss surgery or took any prescription weight loss drug, but she did it the right way. She used good ol fashioned hard work and determination along with a workout regimen and healthy diet. This beautiful 6 footer transformed her body in a way most of think may be impossible. I was truly inspired and I would like to applaud her for her accomplishments. Here is April's story:

"May of 2008 I was weighing in at 260 pounds, the heaviest I have ever been my entire life. That's when I finally realized how unhealthy physically and mentally I allowed myself to become.

Before I go any further let me introduce myself. My name is April Dasal, I'm currently 24 years old and I use to be a foodaholic. Food has been a huge part of my life since childhood and it all started with my father. He moved to the U.S. from the Philippines in his 30s where he met my mother, married her, and had 4 children. If any of you are familiar with the Filipino culture, you're aware that the importance of food is right under family. It was branded into my brain as a child that the more I ate, the happier my dad was. He was very difficult to please but because having a large appetite made him proud, I became very good at it.

To give you a better understanding of how much I had trained myself to eat, here are a few examples (and I'm not exaggerating any of it); when I was in 3rd grade our teacher ordered the class pizza, most of the kids had 1-2 slices of pizza, I on the other hand ate an entire large pizza. When I was in 6th grade I would come home after school and cook 4, that's right, 4 packets of ramen noodles. I would also drink the left over soup as well. Another overeating incident that occurred during my 6th grade year is I ate an entire pound of expired turkey bacon. I became sick that evening, threw up all of it, and had food poisoning for a month. I became accustomed to eating so much food that my stopping point would be when I was on the verge of puking. The older I got, the closer I became to food. Not only did it satisfy my hunger but also my boredom, anger, sadness, and depression. Food was the answer to all my problems.

Then, at the end of my 7th grade year, I learned about the sport of bodybuilding. I spent hours looking on websites, reading articles about nutrition, training, and my favorite part were the pictures. All the people in shape inspired me, especially the teenagers that were around my age. I educated myself through articles on the internet and made myself a training routine I could do at home with the few pieces of equipment we owned. This is where my journey towards fitness began. My only problem was food. I understood that I was eating too much and the wrong foods but unfortunately my bad habits got the best of me. I was still able to stick with my training and gain muscle with the little knowledge I obtained. Working out eventually became as addicting as food and was the only thing I had in my life that made me feel good about myself. I kept my love for weight lifting and dreams of making it a part of my future a secret. I wasn't sure if it was possible and I knew my father wouldn't approve if he found out. He had already told me as a child, that I was going to choose a high salary career and suggesting anything other than that would have been ridiculous to him.

My dad never found out about my love for lifting. December 23, 2002 I woke up to him yelling for my older sister. I heard my sister's footsteps, running down the hallway. I came out of my room to see what was going on and he was sitting on the floor, holding his chest, yelling in a panic at my sister to rub his back. I ran into the living room crying, and asked him if I should call 911 but he yelled, "No" at me. My older brother then came into our living room and told me to call 911. I picked the phone up but I couldn't move. It was the most intense and frightening experience I've ever gone through. Finally my brother grabbed the phone out of my frozen hand and called for an ambulance. At that time, my youngest sister had stumbled into the room, just waking up to all the commotion. I took her quickly into my brother's room so she didn't have to see our dad. As she sat on his bed, I stood in the doorway, watching the paramedics come into our house and push my dad out on a stretcher. My mom came home from work and picked us up to go to the hospital where we were brought into a room to wait for the doctor. We sat in the room silently until the doctor came in and told us that our dad had a massive heart attack and couldn't be revived. I will never forget that moment and realization of what had caused his death.... years of unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle. The very same habits I and everyone in my family were practicing.

After my father's death, my family struggled mentally and financially. It was the first time in my life I had difficulty eating food. I began losing weight because I was depressed. I felt extremely alone and my purpose in life had vanquished. Luckily, my freshman year, I had met a teacher who had reached out to me and made me realize the important things in life. My mind made a 180, from negative to positive. My eating habits even improved and I was incorporating fresh fruits and veggies into my diet, as well as controlling my portion sizes. I lost 30lbs, going from 220 lbs my 8th grade year to 190 lbs my freshman year. I even saved up some money to get a membership at Gold's Gym, which soon became my second home. Things were starting to look up and I finally regained control over my life. The next year I purchased personal training sessions from Gold's Gym and my trainer opened up a whole new world of training to me. He taught me many different training techniques and most importantly taught me how to push through pain when I wanted to stop. I made lots of progress and even got down to 179 lbs. I then started hanging out with a new crowd in high school who didn't care about their health. My weight plummeted back up to 200 lbs and my bad eating habits caught back up with me.

My weight stayed around 200 lbs until my senior year in high school (2007) when a friend told me about a new store he got his protein from called Supplement Superstore. I decided to check it out instead of going to my usual supplement store. I went to the St. Peters location where I met Joe Keough. This was the first time in my life I had visited a supplement store and all my questions were answered without a sales pitch. Joe probably spent at least a half an hour with me or longer explaining which protein I should get and dieting in general. I continued shopping at S2 taking Phormula-1 and Ignition for my post workout shake. I noticed a pretty big difference in my strength and was happy I switched over (my bank account was happy too).

After I graduated high school I got a job at Gold's Gym selling memberships then changed positions to the night shift receptionist. I worked Monday-Thursday 11pm-9am, and that is where I watched my weight climb. My irregular sleeping patterns, combined with eating high calorie foods, and inconsistent workouts caused me to go from 200 lbs to 260 lbs in less than 6 months. I remember the day I got on the scale and saw those numbers, I knew I couldn't continue to live like I was unless I wanted to end up like my dad. I changed my eating habits and Gold's Gym luckily changed their hours. I worked from 4 am-10 am instead of covering the night shift, which allowed me to have normal sleeping patterns. I was able to get down to 230 lbs and over the course of the next 4 years my weight fluctuated between 200-240 lbs.

May of 2012, my good friend/workout partner was in need of somewhere to stay over the summer while he attended school at Lindenwood. I told him if he couldn't find anywhere he could stay with my family and I, which is what he did. We decided that since we were living together we would get on a strict diet and training routine. Eating out at restaurants stopped and I cooked all my meals. Breakfast I usually would have 2-3 egg whites with spinach leaves and whole wheat toast or oatmeal. My second meal usually consisted of a lean meat, (like tilapia, chicken, or ground turkey) with a complex carb (brown rice or quinoa) and a vegetable (broccoli, salad, or carrots).  I also made sure to include healthy fats into my diet like olive oil, avocados, almonds, coconut oil, and natural peanut butter. I would eat at least 6 meals a day all similar to my second meal except I would stop consuming carbs after 6 pm and my last meal of the day would usually be a Level-1 protein shake (my favorite flavor is ice cream sandwich). As far as training went we completely switched things up. I figured I should since I had been training the same since I was 12 years old. I found a new 6 day a week program. It incorporated power lifting type training as well as the bodybuilding type training. For my post workout protein I continued to take my Ignition and Phormula-1 and started taking 1-DB Goddess and Thyro-Drive. I was able to make great strength gains as well as drop body fat up until I hurt my back and my shoulder at work. I found out I had partial tears in my shoulder and a herniated disk. It was very discouraging to hear but I was determined to change my life and not go back to the lifestyle I was living. It was difficult to not train my injured body parts but because I never gave up things were falling into place perfectly. I was eating right, training right, and had a great support system with my friend that moved into my house. My weight was melting off me and before I knew it I was at 185 lbs 3 ½ months later. As happy as I was about my accomplishments, I still had one thing on my mind and that was competing in a bodybuilding show. It was a dream of mine since I was 12 and I knew I was capable of doing it.

I was determined to do what I once thought was impossible so I signed up for the 1st Phorm NPC Midwest Bodybuilding show 6 weeks out. I entered in the women's bodybuilding, physique novice, and physique open categories. My training and diet changed drastically. During the last 3-2 weeks my energy levels were at an all time low. I wasn't getting much energy from my diet and I was burnt out on all of the cardio I was having to do. I decided to tryout the new BMR Bliss go pack since I was successful with the 1-DB and Thryo-Drive. I'm happy to say that was one of the best decisions I made. It helped tremendously with my energy levels, which helped clear my mind when I was feeling overwhelmed. I continued to take my BMR pack until 2 days out from the show when I wasn't needing to do cardio anymore. The day of the show I weighed in at 159 lbs, 101 lbs lighter than I was in 2008. I placed 1st in women's bodybuilding, 2nd in physique novice, and 3rd place in physique open! I finally did it, what I had been trying to achieve for the past 12 years of my life, when I first discovered this crazy exciting sport!

This is only the beginning for me. I want to inspire and help others change their lives for the better and continue to work harder and compete until I obtain my pro card.

I owe the S2 crew, especially Joe Keough, a huge thank you for the time they set aside to help me grow. Not just physically but mentally as well. Joe really helped me realize that the only limits I have are the ones I give myself. Remember, this is your life and you are the only one that has control over it. If you really want something, do what it takes to get there. Now go out and achieve what you want, and make the changes necessary in order to do so!!!!"

So now go out there and do what April said and achieve what you want. Anything is possible!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Meet my new man!

I know I'm a little bit late, but let me introduce you to my new baby. Everyone, say hello to Enzo. Let me give you a little bit of history. When I first moved out on my own I got a little blue chihuahua girl that I named Tia. When she was 2.5 years old, Honey entered our lives. I was young and although I always took great care of the two of them, I knew they weren't quite getting the time they needed, so they moved to Sweden with my mother. I have always felt like I shouldn't get another dog as long as they are alive, so instead I have fostered shelter dogs over the years. I have even had a dog or two that I regretted letting go of.
Earlier this year I started seriously thinking about getting a pup of my own, and in the end of September, I finally did. I looked around for a while and I finally found someone (on accident) who had a beautiful litter of Cane Corsos, and as soon as I saw his color I knew I needed to have him. For those of you who don't know, a Cane Corso is an Italian Mastiff and range from about 80-160lbs. The range  in weight is so big because Americans tend to breed for weight more than anything. I will dedicate a blog post to the breed on a later date.

This little boy is so darn cute (as most puppies are) and he is so funny. How can you resist this face?


Or how can you resist the frog legs?? When I got him home he was 7.5 weeks (I thought he was 8 weeks until I saw the paperwork after I already got him), and 13lbs. He started growing about 2-3lbs per week and was actually a surprisingly good puppy. I am not usually a fan of puppies because they are hyper, not potty trained, chew on things, and don't listen. Enzo however, was super chill from day one and didn't do much wrong except pee in the house. He never did a #2 in the house, even from day one. He didn't chase the cat, and did't chew on things he wasn't supposed to. Oh, except for socks. He has a thing for socks.lol What most people don't understand is that most shelter dogs are housebroken, or at least mostly so. I will do a whole other post on that later.
I wished I would have waited to get a puppy in the spring so that I could take him everywhere with me to help socialize him , but I did take him as much as I could when I first got him home. He was a bit timid and definitely needed it. I took him with me to any bar or restaurant that allowed dogs on the patio. He slept through most of it, but he was always happy to meet new dogs and people.
At Nara Again

At Nara Hookah Lounge
At friend's house for a BBQ
He was so tiny and cute when he first came home to us. He is still super cute, but not so much tiny anymore. I will make sure to talk about him more often and I will give you guys an update on what he looks like now. I could hold him in my arms like it was no big deal back then.

Just to give you an idea before I sign off, here's a more recent picture of my baby Enzo, and his father side by side. His father is 125lbs and his mother is 110.

Thanks again for reading. I sure do appreciate each and every one of you.


How Many Yums??

As we all know by now, I am a foodie. Oh, you didn't know?? Well, let me tell you.... I'm a foodie. When I eat something and it's delicious....YUM. When I eat something delicious that's actually good for me....Yum Yum. So when I eat something that's delicious, good for me, AND low calorie......YUM YUM YUM!! One of my favorite dishes is my "Chicken Fajita Salad". I have blogged about this recipe before (HERE) and it is seriously SO delicious. It's around 450 calories total, and because it's only veggies, you can add more and more and still not really gain any calories to the meal. I'm bringing this back up because I JUST ate it. Yum yum yum! Don't get me wrong, I still LOVE to make amazing paste dishes with cream based sauces. What I don't like is when it shows up on the scale or on my waistline. Someone needs to come up with a heavy cream that is calorie free. They should spend money on developing that rather than gathering stones from Mars. I'm just saying.LOL
I'm sorry, but this blog post really isn't about anything in particular. It is simply about my love of food and cream based pasta sauces.

Another Favorite healthy meal of mine, that I think people tend to forget, is tacos. Well, I can't speak for Taco Bell, but when I make tacos at home, it's pretty low calorie. Think about it....the hard taco shells are 65 calories each, and then you only add ground beef, lettuce, salsa, onions, cheese, and a dollop of sour cream. I personally like to add chopped cilantro, cucumber, and sweet corn as well. I know what you're thinking....cucumber?? corn?? Trust me!! Try it! I wish I had pictures but I don't. I was too busy eating to remember to take a picture. That's usually what ends up happening, so by the time a manage to take a picture for the blog, I have usually made the dish AT LEAST twice. I always forget because I am in too much of a rush to finish the dish, and then I'm too busy eating. I'm such a fat girl on the inside.lol
I know that when I look at a recipe, I won't even give it a second thought if there isn't a picture, so I'll make sure to post on next time. :-) Have a good night everyone.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Let's Talk About Shoes.....Again.

I love shoes. What woman does't love shoes? When you are as tall as I am and have feet as big as mine (11-12 depending on brand), finding cute shoes is really hard. Let's not even mention that when you are as tall as I am, you so often get questions/comments like "Why do you wear heels? You're already tall.", "You couldn't wear heels if I were dating you. ha ha ha. Just kidding" (no he isn't), or "You don't need those". Well, you know what?? I DO need them. More than anything I want them. I don't tell a short person that they should wear heels when they don't, so people should't tell me I can't wear heels because I'm tall. Let me clarify...I am not upset about people's opinion. I am simply annoyed with people feeling that it is not only acceptable, but somehow necessary for them to express their unsolicited opinion to me. A lot of you do not know me well enough yet, but I am quite outspoken, openminded, and inappropriate, (Yes I meant to say inappropriate. We will get to that and address it in a later post) but I do not just walk up to strangers and offer them my opinion.

Ok, enough ranting from me. Now onto the beautiful greatness that is shoes. Although I am not a huge fan of winter flats, I do like flat boots a lot. Today I will link you to some awesome places to find not only heels, but winter shoes as well. Let's get started.

As you may have noticed from a couple of previous posts, I love the English online store ASOS . They have tall sizes as well as large shoes. Again, they have free shipping both ways, so you will never lose money by trying something and then deciding you don't like it. CLICK HERE for a search for all shoes sz 11-14.

I bought a pair of my favorite flat boots last year from Macy's, and although that exact pair isn't available, I do recommend their other shoes. I bought a sz 12 Aerosoles boots that were not only affordable, but also super comfy. Check for promotions on Retail Me Not.  I think I used a 20% or 25% off coupon on my purchase, and they are almost always available. To see all Aerosole boots sz 10-12, CLICK HERE.

Right now there are exactly 2463 women's shoes in sizes 11-15 on the Macy's website. Have a look and find something you love by clicking HERE .

For all of my somewhat well off ladies out there, or for you who don't mind splurging on shoes, there is YOOX. This site carries a lot of high en brand like Cavalli, Marc Jacobs, and Giuseppe Zanotti. They also have a lot of very affordable shoes for the rest of us. To see them all in our size CLICK HERE.

They also have some really nice flat shoes, as well as sneakers. I am not normally a sneaker person, but they have some that think I would really like. It's hard to make sneakers look girly on small feet, so if I wear a pair that have to be really cute. Here are a few of their sneaker.

Last but not least is my all-time favorite shoe shop DSW!!! I can count on this place summer, spring, winter, and fall. With free shipping both ways, as well as earring rewards towards free shoes, I'm in heaven. And who does't like to pay less for high quality?? To check out all of their winter boots, CLICK HERE. If you are one of my "fancy-expensive-shoe-loving" ladies, they something for you too. 
DSW now have brands like Giuseppe Zanotti and Gucci, just to name a couple. Check out their luxury brand HERE

I hope each and every one of you find something you like, or better yet, something you love.

Please share my Facebook page with all of your friends, I would every much appreciate it.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Let's Talk About Pants

When you're tall, and especially a woman, finding pants is always a topic of conversation. Two tall women meet each other and the question of "hey, where do you get your pants?" always comes up.
Of course there are always the tall people sites like "Long Tall Sally", but it seems they try to take advantage of us because we are so desperate for long enough pants, and they raise the prices. I mean come on....$65 for a pair of yoga pants? That's just silly. SO here are some of my favorite places to shop when it comes to pants.

Old Navy Tall
Their sizes run big. I usually wear an 8 but I have to buy a 4 here. They also have yoga pants for $20 or less. The jeans are all quite stretchy for a better fit. The "Sweetheart" fit is one of my favorite fits as well as the "Curvy". Their skinny jeans in the "Rockstar" fit are just high enough in the waist, and hugs your butt just right to give it a lift. They run anywhere from the $12-$29 range. I always wait to get a coupon code, which you can usually find on Retail Me Not.

PS. X-Long is online ONLY

The Gap Tall
As I am sure you know, The Gap and Old Navy are owned by the same company. The Gap is just the slightly more pricey version. Now, I do not have a use for a lot of dress pants in my life, so I don't really own too many. I do buy manny jeans from them, and I have for several years. The "Long & Lean" cut is very frittering and will make you look slim. I prefer the "Curvy" because I am, well, curvy. The Gap's jeans are my absolute favorite ones of all time.
PS. X-Long is online ONLY

One thing I REALLY like about Alloy is that not only have lengths from 32"-39" (yes you read that right. It is NOT a typo.) but they also carry size 1-25. Even the 39" inseam comes in a size 1 if you need it. Wow! I know right?! They are very reasonably priced. What I have noticed is that most sizes run a little small and the denim doesn't seem to work too well for an hourglass type figure. They do charge a $6.95 return fee, which is pretty annoying, so I tend to order a TON of stuff at a time and try it all on. By "a ton" I mean 20 pairs of pants at a time.

Last, but most definitely not least, is ASOS. I'm obsessed with this store. They are not only affordable, but they are also very stylish. Their tall selection isn't huge, but I love them anyway. The price range on this site is from super cheap to uber expensive. It just depends on what you're looking for. I also love that they offer free shipping here and back all the way from the UK. They also provide the height of the model shown, as well as the size she is wearing. The also label each picture with either tall, petite, plus, or maternity. That way if you search for something like a dress, you'll know what's tailored to you without having to click on it every time to see.

I hope you enjoy. Please comment and let me know if you purchased something, what is what, and how you liked it. Please share your shopping experience with me.


Let's Talk About Wine

I am a lover of wine. I am a wine lover. I love wine. Is there another way I can say that? Oh, and I'm pretty sure wine loves me back.

"I enjoy cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food..."-Julia Childs

I guess if I found yet another way to express my love for wine, it might make me a bit of a wino. Oh wait, I found another way, and I'm ding it right now. I'm blogging about wine. My beloved better half surprised me with an 18 bottle dual zone wine fridge a couple of months ago from Wine Enthusiast, and I was absolutely over the moon. I can now have perfectly chilled wine any time I feel like it. I have my reds set to 55 degrees and my whites to 46. If you are interested, it can be purchased here . It fit in perfectly with my Zgallerie mirrored Butler Tray that I have had for a few years now. I love my little set up.

Ok, well onto the actual topic of this post.....WINE! Wonderfully delicious and yummy wine. I prefer red over white, and one of my favorite red wines (not including the insanely expensive ones I have gotten a chance to try over the years) is "Apothic Red".  The alcohol content is 13.5%, and it is described as follows by the manufacturer:

In 2012, Apothic Red was crafted from a blend of primarily Zinfandel, Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. These varieties come together seamlessly for a fruit-driven wine with fresh dark fruit flavors and jammy red fruit notes. The Zinfandel offers bold dark fruit flavors and spicy notes, complemented by the soft mouthfeel of Merlot. The Syrah adds layers of smooth blueberry, while the Cabernet Sauvignon delivers ripe fruit flavors and a firm structure. This decadent blend is framed by hints of black cherry, vanilla, and mocha.

I personally think it has a very smooth finish, and although it is really good with everything, I prefer it with spicier foods. It is a perfect blend of bold and soft flavors, and is a medium body wine. I recently got the chance to try the "Apothic White", and as I had hoped, it was equally delicious. The white is a great pairing with a light pasta or fish. 
Now to the best part of all. The price of this wine is more than affordable, and considering the quality, I'm almost a little surprised. But shhhh.....let's not tell anyone. They may raise the price if they find out how much of a steal it really is. But here's what I think you should do. Go to your nearest liquor or grocery store and grab yourself a bottle of Apothic Red, and then you can send me a message and thank me. You will love it. I promise. Comment on either my Facebook page or here, and let me know how you liked it.